DiCuS-Workshop with Prof. Dr. Birgit Althans
On 5 December 2024, we had the great pleasure of welcoming Prof. Dr. Birgit Althans (Düsseldorf Art Academy) for a guest lecture in the context of the research field ‘DiCuS – Digital Cultural Spaces’ at our UNESCO Chair in Digital Culture and Arts in Education. As part of a one-and-a-half-hour online workshop, Birgit Althans gave a highly inspiring lecture on the topic ‘Hillbilly Elegies – Zur politischen Bedeutung der affektiven Rahmung des ländlichen Raums in der kulturellen Bildung [On the Political Significance of the Affective Framing of the Rural in Cultural Education]’, in which she presented, among other things, results from the BMBF-funded research project ‘Wasteland? Ländlicher Raum als Affektraum und kulturelle Bildung als Pädagogik der Verortung [Rural Space as Space of Affect and Cultural Education as Pedagogy of Localisation]’, which was followed by a very fruitful discussion for all participants.