Online Lecture: AI in Education – Kritische Perspektiven und Anschlüsse – 1/26/2023 (6:15 pm CET)
“The question of what kind of actor is currently entering cultural history under the name of “artificial intelligence” forms a particular challenge not only for technology impact assessment – and above all, AI ethics – but it extends into fundamental theoretical questions concerning human self- and world-relations. Under the title “AI in Education,” AI is entering applied pedagogical research and, to an increasing extent, already pedagogical practice. This raises critical questions about both its basic operational assumptions and normative foundations. In addition to the systematic and precise analysis and critique of this discourse, however, educational research and practice are also called upon to explore the culturally and historically new phenomenon of AI, especially in its cultural contexts, and to explore its possibilities and limitations” (Excerpt from announcement).
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Benjamin Jörissen
Language: German
Anmeldung unter: C2S (at)
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